Primer for the field investigation of spatial description and conception
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Anderson, S. & Keenan, E
Bowden, J
1991 Grammaticalization of locatives in Oceanic languages. MA thesis, University of Auckland.
Bowerman, M
Brown, P
1991 Spatial conceptualization in Tzeltal. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Bühler, K
Choi, S. & Bowerman, M
in press) Learning to express motion events in English and Korean. Cognition.
Clark, E
Clark, H
Cole, M., Gay, J., Glick, J. & Sharp, D
Cruse, D. A
Dasen, P
Deregowski, J
Fillmore, C
Friedrich, P
Hanks, W
1990 Referential practice: language and lived space in a Maya community. University of Chicago Press. BoP
Haviland, J. B
1986 Complex referential gestures in Guugu Yimidhirr. Unpublished MS.
1991a The grammaticalization of motion (and time) in Tzotzil. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
1991b Projections, transpositions and relativity. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Hugh-Jones, C
Jarvella, R. & Klein, W
Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M
Lawrence, D. & Low, S
de Léon, L
1991a Space-games in Tzotzil: creating a context for spatial reference. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
1991b Unpredicted strategies: explorations in the acquisition of locatives in Tzotzil. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
1991c Inducing interactions: spatial reference in Tzotzil. Paper to workshop on spatial description in Austronesian and Papuan languages.
Levinson, S
1986 The semantics/pragmatics/kinesics of space in Guugu Yimidhirr. Unpublished paper presented at the University of Bamberg.
Levinson, S. & Brown, P
1991 “Uphill” and “downhill” in Tzeltal. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Levinson, S
1991a Figure & ground in Mayan spatial description: Tzeltal locatives. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
1991b Relativity in spatial description and conception. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Littlejohn, J
The Temne house. Sierra Leone Studies. 14:63-79.
Lucy, J. A
1987 Grammatical categories and cognitive processes: an historical, theoretical, and empirical re-evaluation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Unpublished Ph.D., University of Chicago, Collegiate Division of the Social Sciences, (in press, CUP).
MacLaury, R
1989 Zapotec body-part locatives: prototypes and metaphoric extensions. International Journal of American Linguistics 55(2): 119-54.
Miller, G. & Johnson-Laird, P
Pinker, S
Potegal, M
Shepard & Hurwitz
Slobin, D
Stiles-Davis, J., Kritchevsky, M. & Bellugi, U
Svorou, S
Talmy, L
Wassmann, J
1991 Worlds in mind: the effects of the experience of an outside world on the ‘world-view’ of a community in the Finisterre Range of Papua New Guinea. Working paper, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Weissenborn, J. & Klein, W