“If he speaks Italian it’s better”: Metapragmatics in court
Quick links
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Blom, J.P and J. Gumperz
(1972) “Social meaning in linguistic structures: Code-switching in Norway”. In J.J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes (eds.) Directions in Sociolinguistics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. BoP
Bolinger, D
Brown, P. and S. Levinson
Conley, J. and O’Barr, W
De Leon, L
(1989) “ ‘Can you use Spanish words to spell the words?’ Authority and metalanguage in court”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington D.C.
Fisher, S. and A.D. Todd
Goodwin, M. C
Gumperz, J
(1982b) “Fact and inference in courtroom testimony”. In Gumperz, J. (ed.) Language and Social Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Gumperz, J. and N. Berentz
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Jacquemet, M
(1989) “Power in court: Turning a turncoat into a witness”. Paper presented at 88th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington D.C.
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Levi, J
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(1979) “The Social significance of speech in the courtroom”. In Giles & St. Clair (eds.) Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. BoP
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Philips, S
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Tribunale di Napoli
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