A marx-influenced approach to ideology and language: Comments
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Adorno, Theodor W
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bronner, Stephen Eric & Douglas MacKay Kellner
Eagleton, Terry
Erickson, F. and G. Schultz
Errington, J. Joseph
Fairclough, Norman
Foucault, Michel
Fowler, R., R. I. V. Hodge, G. Kress & T T
Gal, Susan
Geertz, Clifford
Giddens, Anthony
Goffman, Erving
Gumperz, John
Hill, Jane
to appear) “The voices of Don Gabriel.” To appear in B. Mannheim & D. Tèdlock (eds.) The dialogic emergence of culture Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press
Kress, Günther
Mehan, Hugh, Charles E. Nathanson & James N. Skelly
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Labov, William
Philips, Susan U
Shibamoto, Janet
Silverstein, Michael
Todd, A.D
(1989) Intimate adversaries: Cultural conflicts between doctors and women patients. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. BoP 

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Wodak, Ruth
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