Syntax and music for interaction: ‘Music-taking-predicate’ constructions in Hebrew musician-to-musician discourse
University of Haifa
Multimodal constructions which intertwine language and music are characteristic of the discourse of creative
encounters among musicians. This interactional linguistic study reports on one such construction: the ‘music-taking-predicate’
(MTP) construction. MTP constructions consist of a projective verbal predicate, and a stretch of sung or played musical expression
following it. Based on naturalistic video data of Hebrew-speaking musicians in rehearsals and production sessions, I show that
instances of this construction emerge as formulae for the achievement of several interactional tasks integral to the process of
joint music making.
When managing conversational exchanges in any setting, participants rarely rely on only one modality in order to get
interactional work done. Participants do things using a myriad of linguistic, embodied, visual, and environmental resources; and they
do so in an integrative, intertwined manner. Recent studies in interactional linguistics (IL) and multimodal conversation analysis
reveal that depending on an activity’s specific ecology, potentially every detail of an encounter can be turned into a resource for
social interaction (Mondada 2016, 338).
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