Quick links
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Auer, P., E. Couper-Kuhlen, and F. Müller
(1999) Language in Time: The rhythm and tempo of spoken interaction. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. BoP
Auer, P., and S. Pfänder
Barlow, M., and S. Kemmer
Barth-Weingarten, D., E. Reber, and M. Selting
Blanche-Benveniste, C
Bybee, J., and S.A. Thompson
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(1994) Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. The Flow and Displacement of Conscious Experience in Speaking and Writing. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. BoP
Clancy, P
Couper-Kuhlen, E., and M. Selting
(eds.) (2001) Studies in Interactional Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Couper-Kuhlen, E., and C.E Ford
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Cumming, S., T. Ono, and R. Laury
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(2005) Conversational interpretation of lexical items and conversational contrasting. In A. Hakulinen, and M. Selting (eds.), Syntax and Lexis in Conversation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 289-317.
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Du Bois, J.W
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(1988) Regularity and idiomaticity in grammatical constructions. The case of let alone. Language 64: 501-538.
Ford, C.E., B.A. Fox, and S.A. Thompson
Fox, B.A
(2000) Micro-syntax in English conversation. Paper presented at the conference Interactional Linguistics (sponsored by EURESCO), September, Spa, Belgium.
Fox, B.A., M. Hayashi, and R. Jasperson
Fox, B.A., S.A. Thompson, C.E. Ford, and E. Couper-Kuhlen
Fried, M., and J.-O. Östman
Goldberg, A
(1995) Constructions: A Construction Grammar approach to argument structure. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press. BoP
(2006) Constructions at Work: The nature of generalization in language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. BoP
Günthner, S., and J. Bücker
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Hacohen, G., and E.A. Schegloff
(2006) On the preference for minimization in referring to persons: Evidence from Hebrew conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 38: 1305-1312.
Hakulinen, A
Hakulinen, A., and M. Selting
Hausendorf, H
Heinemann, T
Hopper, P.J
Hopper, P
Kay, P., and C.J. Fillmore
Langacker, R.W
Lindström, A
(2005) Language as social action: A study of how senior citizens request assistance with practical tasks in the Swedish home help service. In A. Hakulinen, and M. Selting (eds.), Syntax and Lexis in Conversation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 209-233.
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(1998) Approaching Dialogue: Talk, interaction and contexts in dialogical perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
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(2007) Multimodal resources for turn-taking: Pointing and the emergence of possible next speakers. Discourse Studies 9: 195-226.
Morgan, M
Ochs, E., E.A. Schegloff, and S.A. Thompson
Ono, T., and S.A. Thompson
Östman, J.-O
Sacks, H
Sacks, H., and E.A. Schegloff
Schegloff, E.A
(1996) Turn organization: One intersection of grammar and interaction. In E. Ochs, E.A. Schegloff, and S.A. Thompson (eds.), Interaction and Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 52-133.
Schegloff E.A
Schegloff, E.A., E. Ochs, and S.A. Thompson
(1996) Introduction. In E. Ochs, E.A. Schegloff, and S.A. Thompson (eds.), Interaction and Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-51.
Selting, M
(1996) Prosody as an activity-type distinctive cue in conversation: The case of so-called ‘astonished’ questions in repair. In E. Couper-Kuhlen, and M. Selting (eds.), Prosody in Conversation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 231-270.
Selting, M., and E. Couper-Kuhlen
Sinclair, J.M., and A. Mauranen
(2006) Linear Unit Grammar: Integrating speech and writing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Streeck, J., C. Goodwin, and C. LeBaron
Thompson, S.A., B.A. Fox, and E. Couper-Kuhlen
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