Code choice in intercultural conversation: Speech accommodation theory and pragmatics
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Bourhis, Richard Y
Bourhis, Richard Y., Howard Giles, and Wallace E. Lambert
Burt, Susan Meredith
(1992) Codeswitching, convergence and compliance: The development of micro-community speech norms. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 13: 169-185.
Gallois, Cynthia, Arlene Franklyn-Stokes, Howard Giles, and Nikolas Coupland
Genesee, Fred, and Richard Bourhis
(1988) Evaluative reactions to language choice strategies: The role of sociostructural factors. Language and Communication 8:3-4: 229-250.
Giles, Howard, and Nikolas Coupland
Giles, Howard, Nikolas Coupland and Justine Coupland
(1991) Accommodation theory: Communication, context, and consequence. In H. Giles, J. Coupland, and N. Coupland (eds.), Contexts of Accommodation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-68.
Giles, Howard, and Philip Smith
(1979) Accommodation theory: Optimal levels of convergence. In H. Giles and R.N. St. Clair (eds.), Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 45-65. BoP
Giles, Howard, Donald M. Taylor, and Richard Y. Bourhis
Heller, Monica
Lambert, Wallace E
Myers-Scotton, Carol
Saville-Troike, Muriel
Scotton, Carol Myers
Simard, Lise M., Donald M. Taylor and Howard Giles
Thakerar, Jitendra N., Howard Giles and Jenny Cheshire
Woolard, Kathryn A
(1989) Double Talk: Bilingualism and the Politics of Ethnicity in Catalonia. Stanford: Stanford University Press. BoP