Creating evidence: Making sense of written words in Bosavi
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Bendix, Edward
Besnier, Niko
Bybee, Joan
Chafe, Wallace & Joanna Nichols
Cühn, Bernard
Collins, James
Comaroff, John & Jean Comaroff
Duranti, Alessandro & Elinor Ochs
Fabian, Johannes
Feld, Steven
Feld, Steven & Bambi Schieffelin
Fox, Barbara & Joseph Clifford
(1991) Evidentiality and authority in English conversation, ms.
Gewertz, Deborah & Fredrick Errington
Heath, Shirley
Hill, Jane & Judith Irvine
(eds.) (1993) Responsibility and evidence in oral discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Jakobson, Roman
Lucy, John
(ed.) (1993) Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McKenzie, D.F
Mignolo, W.D
Ochs, Elinor & Bambi B. Schieffelin
Rafael, Vincente
Rule, Murray
(1966) Customs, alphabet and grammar of the Kaluli people of Bosavi, Papua. Mimeo, Unevangelised Fields Missions.
Schieffelin, Bambi B
(1990) The give and take of everyday life: Language socialization of Kaluli children. New York: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Schieffelin, Edward L
Silverstein, Michael
Street, Brian & Niko Besnier