Narrative procecces and institutional activities: Recipient guided storytelling in academic counseling encounters
Quick links
Atkinson, J. Maxwell and John Heritage
(eds.) (1984) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Chaiklin, Seth and Jean Lave
Erickson, Fredrick and Jeffrey Shultz
Goodwin, Charles
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness
(1990) Tactical uses of stories: Participation frameworks within girls’ and boys’ disputes. Discourse Processes 13: 33-71.
Hartford, Beverly S. and Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig
(1992) Closing the conversation: Evidence from the academic advising session. Discourse Processes 15: 93-116.
He, Agnes Weiyun
(1994) Withholding academic advice: Institutional context and discourse practice. Discourse Processes 18.3: 297-316.
He, Agnes Weiyun and Elizabeth Keating
Heritage, John and Sue Sefi
(1992) Dilemmas of advice: Aspects of the delivery and reception of advice in interaction between health visitors and first time mothers. In Paul Drew and John Heritage (eds.), Talk at work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.359-417. BoP
Heritage, John and Marja-Leena Sorjonen
(1994) Constituting and maintaining activities across sequences: And-prefacing as a feature of question design. Language in Society 23.1: 1-29.
Jacoby, Sally and Elinor Ochs
Jefferson, Gail
Keenan, Elinor Ochs, Bambi Schieffelin and Marth Piatt
Labov, William
Lave, Jean and E. Wenger
Lerner, Gene H
Levinson, Stephen
(1979) Activity types and language. Linguistics 17.5/6: 365-399. [Reprinted in Paul Drew and John Heritage (eds.), Talk at work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992]
Mandelbaum, Jenny
(1993) Assigning responsibility in conversational storytelling: The interactional construction of reality. Text 13.2: 247-265. BoP 

Mandler, J.M
Miller, Peggy, R. Potts, H. Eung, L. Hoogstra and J. Mintz
Mishler, Eliot G
Ochs. Elinor
(1988) Culture and language development: Language acquisition and language socialization in a Samoan village. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Ochs, Elinor, Smith, Ruth, and Taylor, Carolyn
Ochs, Elinor, Carolyn Taylor, Dina Rudolph and Ruth Smith
Rogoff, Barbara
Sacks, Harvey
Sacks, Harvey, Emanuel A. Schegloff and Gail Jefferson