Incorporation of information and complementizers in Japanese
Quick links
Akatsuka, Noriko
(1985) Conditionals and the epistemic scale. Language 61-3: 625-639.
Bachnik Jane M., & Charles J. Quinn Jr.
(eds.) (1994) Situated meaning: Inside and outside in Japanese self, society, and language. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press. BoP
(1989) Alienation in grammar. Studies in Language 13-1: 129-170.
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Horie, Kaoru
Josephs, Lewis S
Kamio, Akio
(1994) The theory of territory of information: The case of Japanese. Journal of Pragmatics 21: 67-100.
Kiparsky, Paul, & Carol Kiparsky
Kudoo, Mayumi
Kuno, Susumu
Makino, Seiichi
(1996) Uchi to soto no gengobunkagaku: 13. No to koto – hikikomi to hikihanashi. Gekkan Nihongo 9-4: 58-61.
Makino, Seiichi, & Michio Tsutsui
Mayes, Patricia
(1990) Quotation in spoken English. Studies in Language 14-2: 325-363.
Maynard, Senko K
(1996) Multivoicedness in speech and thought representation: The case of self-quotation in Japanese. Journal of Pragmatics 25: 207-226.
McCawley, Noriko A
Munro, Pamela
Partee, Barbara H
Quinn, Charles J. Jr.
Uchi/soto: Tip of a semiotic iceberg? ‘Inside’ and ‘outside’ knowledge in the grammar of Japanese. In J.M. Bachnik & C.J. Quinn, Jr. (eds.), Situated meaning: Inside and outside in Japanese self society, and language. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, pp. 249-294. BoP
(1994b) The terms uchi and soto as windows on a world. In J.M. Bachnik & C.J. Quinn, Jr. (eds.), Situated meaning: Inside and outside in Japanese self society, and language. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, pp. 249-294. BoP
Shinzato, Rumiko
Slobin, Dan I., & Ayhan A. Aksu
Stalnaker, Robert C
Suzuki, Satoko
(1995) The functions of topic-encoding zero-marked phrases: A study of the interaction among topic-encoding expressions in Japanese. Journal of Pragmatics 23: 607-626.
Tannen, Deborah
(1989) Talking voices: Repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Terakura, Hiroko