The semantics of coming and going
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Fillmore, Charles J
Fillmore, Charles
Gathercole, Virginia C
Goddard, Cliff
Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka
(Eds.) (1994) Semantic and Lexical Universals: Theory and empirical findings. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Goddard, Cliff
Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka
(Eds.) (Forthcoming) The Universal Syntax of Semantic Primes Oxford Oxford University Press
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Levinson, Stephen C
Locke, John
Lyons, John
Miller, George A. and Philip N. Johnson-Laird
Russell, Bertrand
Stanwood, Ryo E
Talmy, Leonard
Tanz, Christine
Wierzbicka, Anna
(1972) Semantic Primitives. Translated by Anna Wierzbicka and John Besemeres. Frankfurt: Athenäum. BoP
(1991) Cross-cultural Pragmatics: The semantics of human interaction. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. BoP.