The practice of retort: Exchanges leading to the Caracas peace dialogues
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Angeleri, Sandra
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Colombia Hoy Informa
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Duranti, Alessandro & Charles Goodwin
(1992) Rethinking context: An introduction. In Charles Goodwin and Alessandro Duranti (eds.), Rethinking context. Language as an interactive phenomenon. Studies in the social and cultural foundations of language No. 11. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-42. BoP
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Fairclough, Norman
Feldman, Allen
Foucault, Michel
Gobierno Nacional de Colombia y Coordinadora Guerrillera Simón Bolívar
Grimshaw, Allen D
(1990) Research on conflict talk: Antecedents, resources, findings, directions. In Allen D. Grimshaw (ed.), Conflict Talk. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 280-324. BoP
Mackert, Michael
(1993) Interpretation, authorial intention, and representation: reflections on the historiography of linguistics. Language Sciences 15.1: 39-52.
República de Venezuela
Ruíz, Diego
Silverstein, Michael
Thiesmeyer, Lynn
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Woolard, Kathryn A