Learning the pragmatics of ‘successful’ impression management in cross-cultural interviews
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Bilbow, G.T
(1996) Managing impressions in the multicultural workplace: An impression management-based model for cross-cultural discourse analysis and awareness training for the workplace. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Blum-Kulka, S., J. House, & G. Kasper
Cody, M.J. & M.L. McLaughlin
Erickson, F
Gardner, W.L. & M.J. Martinko
Gardner, W., L. Peluchette, J. Van Eck & S.K. Clinebell
Giacalone, R.A. & P. Rosenfeld
Goffman, E
Kasper, G. & M. Dahl
(1991) Research methods in interlanguage pragmatics. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 13: 215-247.
Leary, M.R
Leary, M.R. & R.M. Kowalski
Tedeschi, J.T
Tedeschi, J.T. & V. Melburg