Deliberate dispute and the construction of oppositional stance
Quick links
Adams, Karen L.
(1995) “Time’s up.” and “It’s not your turn.”: Enforcing and obeying limits in televised political debates. Paper presented at the conference on Political Linguistics, Antwerp, December 7–9.
Adams, Karen L. and Anne Winter
forthcoming) Group and individual identity in gang graffiti. In S. Coffey, S. Graham & R. Hoopes (eds.) Discourse as mosaic: Linguistic re/production of identities & ideologies Georgetown University
Agha, Asif
(1997) Tropic aggression in the Clinton-Dole presidential debate. Pragmatics 7.4: 461–497. (Special issue, C. Briggs (ed.), Conflict and violence in pragmatic research.) BoP 

(1984) Gubernatorial Debate (1984) Transcript.
Blume, R.
Brenneis, Donald and Laura Lien
Briggs, Charles
(1997b) Introduction: From the ideal, the ordinary and the orderly to conflict and violence in pragmatic research. Pragmatics 7.4: 451–460. (Special issue, C. Briggs (ed.), Conflict and violence in pragmatic research.) BoP 

Cardona, Samuel Don
Fairclough, Norman
Goffman, Erving
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness
Grimshaw, Allen D.
Haviland, John B.
Jacoby, Sally and Elinor Ochs
(1995) Co-construction: An introduction. Research on Language and Social Interaction 28.3: 171–183. (Special Issue: Co-construction.)
Levinson, Stephen C.
(1996) Primary Senate Debate. (1996) Transcript.
(1990) Gubernatorial Debate. (1990) Transcript.
Ochs, Elinor
Potter, Jonathan and Margaret Wetherell
(1987) Discourse and social psychology: Beyond attitudes and behaviour. London: Sage Publications. BoP
Silverstein, Michael
Tannen, Deborah
To The Contrary