The organisation of knowledge in British university tutorial discourse: Issues, pedagogic discourse strategies and disciplinary identity
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Brown, G. and G. Yule
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(1992) Rhetorical structure theory and text analysis. In W.C. Mann and S. Thompson (eds.), Discourse description: Diverse linguistic analyses of a fund-raising text. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Martin, J.R.
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Mercer, N.
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Miall, D.S.
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Phillips, T.
Rogers, G.F.C.
Rowell, J.A. and E.R. Cawthorn
Sacks, H. and E.A. Schegloff
Schwab, J.L.
Sinclair, J. Mc H. and R.M. Coulthard
Stubbs, M.
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Tomlin, R., L. Forrest, M. Ming Pu and M. Hee Kim
van Dijk, T. A.
van Dijk, T.A. and W. Kintsch
Winter, E.