Publication details [#11285]
Bastin, Georges L. and Paul Fadio Bandia, eds. 2006. Charting the future of translation history (Perspectives on Translation). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. 344 pp. 
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
This book is divided into two main parts, which give new insights into what the authors see unfolding as the two main trends in translation history, namely discourses on methodology and on history. These contributions are meant to recast the discipline of translation history in a new light and to pave the way to the future of research and teaching in the field.
Source : Based on publisher information
Articles in this volume
Meylaerts, Reine. Conceptualizing the translator as a historical subject in multilingual environments: a challenge for Descriptive Translation Studies. 59–79 
Gagnon, Chantal. Ideologies in the history of translation: a case study on Canadian political speeches. 201–223 
Arencibia Rodriguez, Lourdes. The Imperial College of Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco: the first school of translators and interpeters in sixteenth-century Spanish America. 263–275 
Reviewed by
Jiménez Bellver, Jorge. 2008. Review of Charting the future of translation history. In Bastin, Georges L. and Marco André Fiola, eds. La formation en traduction: pédagogie, docimologie et technologie I [Translator training: pedagogy, evaluation, and technologies I]. Special issue of Traduction Terminologie Rédaction (TTR) 21 (1): 256–262.