The discourse function of questions
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Baumert, M
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Harris, A
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(1982) Questions with outside quantifiers. In R. Schneider, K. Tuite, R. Chametzky (eds), Papers from the Parasession on Nondeclaratives. Chicago Linguistic Society.
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Hull, R.D
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(1982) Imperatives and infinitival embedded questions. In R. Schneider, K. Tuite, R. Chametzky (eds), Papers from the Parasession on Nondeclaratives. Chicago Linguistic Society.
Keenan, E.L., R.D. Hull
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(1980) Yes-no questions as wh-questions. In J.R. Searle, F. Kiefer and M. Bierwisch (eds), Speech Act Theory and Pragmatics D.Reidel Publishing Company. BoP 

Kim, A.H
(1982) A universal of wh-questions and its parametric variants. In R. Schneider, K. Tuite. R. Chametzkv (eds). Papers from the Parasession on Nondeclaratives. Chicago Linguistic Society.
Kuno, S
(1982) The focus of the question and the focus of the answer. In R. Schneider, K. Tuite, R. Chametzky (eds). Papers from the Parasession on Nondeclaratives. Chicago Linguistic Society.
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(1973) Questionable answers and answerable questions. In B.B. Kachru, R. Lees, Y. Malkiel, A. Pietrangeli and S. Saporta (eds), Issues in Linguistics. Papers in Honor of H and R Kahane University of Illinois Press. BoP
Mathiot, M
Mittwoch, A
(1979) Final parentheticals with English questions – their illocutionary function and grammar. Journal of Pragmatics 3, 401-412.
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Paduceva, E.V
Pavlidou, Th
(1986) Shall I ask something? Questions in the subjunctive. Studies in Greek Linguistics. 233-249.
Schmidt-Radefeldt, J., Gunter Todt
Scotton, C. and H. Owsley
(1982) What about powerful questions. In R. Schneider, K. Tuite, R. Chametzky (eds), Papers from the Parasession on Nondeclaratives. Chicago Linguistic Society.
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