Memory for dialogue in different modes of interaction
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Bates, E., Kintsch, W., Fletcher, C.R. & Giuliani, V
Bates, E., Masling, M. & Kintsch, W
Garrod, S. & Trabasso, T
D’Urso, V. & Johnson-Laird, P.N
(1985) Memory for anaphoric sentences. Unpublished manuscript.
Hjelmquist, E
(1985b) Memory for meaning and surface structure in conversations. In G. Hoppenbrouwes, P. Seinen & T. Weijters (Eds.) Meaning and the Lexicon. Dordrecht: Forum Publications. BoP. 

Jarvella, R.J & Collas. J.G
Keenan, J.M., MacWhinney, B. & Mayhew, D
(1977) Pragmatics in memory: a study of natural conversation. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 16, 549-560.
Kintsch, W. & Bates. E
Mani. K. & Johnson-Laird, P.N
Sachs, J.S