Ideology and facts on African American English
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Alleyne, M.C
Bailey, B.L
Bailey, G
. (to appear) Review of Edgar Schneider (1989) Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages.
Bailey, G. and M. Bassett
Bailey, G. and N. Maynor
Baugh, J
(1983a) Black street speech: Its history, structure and survival. Austin: University of Texas Press. BoP
Bickerton, D
Botkin, B.A
Butters, R
(1989) The death of Black English: Divergence and convergence in black and white vernaculars. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. BoP
Dalby, D
DeBose, Ch
(1984b) “A reanalysis of the Black English verb system as decreolization”. MS.
D’Eloia, S.G
Dik, S.C
Dillard, J.L
Dunn, E.F
Fasold, R.W. & W. Wolfram
Feagin, C
Frajzyngier, Z
Gilman, C
(1981) “Pidgin languages: Form selection or simplification?” Paper read at 10th Annual Linguistic Symposium, Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin.
Hancock, I
Holm, J
(1976) “Variability of the copula in Black English and its creole kin”. Paper presented at First Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Georgetown, Guyana.
Kurath, Hans
Labov, W
(1969) “Contraction, deletion, and inherent variability of the English copula”. Language 45: 714-62. (Also in Labov 1972a: 65-129).
Loflin, M.D
Loflin, M.D., N.J. Sobin, and J.L. Dillard
McDavid, R., Jr. and V. McDavid
Montgomery, M
Montgomery, M. and G. Bailey
Mufwene, S.S
(1983a) Some observations on the verb in Black English Vernacular. African and Afro-American Studies and Research Center, Papers series 2, University of Texas at Austin.
(1984b) “Gullah and Jamaican creole: an issue on decreolization”. Paper presented at Fifth Biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.
(1985a) “Misinterpreting ‘linguistic continuity’ charitably”. Paper presented at 9th Annual Language and Culture in South Carolina Symposium, University of South Carolina, Columbia.
(1989) “How many be\ are there in English?” Paper presented at 40th SECOL Meeting, Norfolk, VA.
Mufwene, S.S. and M.B. Dijkhoff
Rickford, J.R
Ross, J.R
Schneider, E.W
Spears, AK
(ed.) in press Language, symbolism, and ideology Wayne State University Press
Stewart, W.A