Language ideology: Issues and approaches
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Adams, Karen L. & Daniel T. Brink
Anderson, Benedict
Balibar, Renée
Bauman, Richard
(1983) Let your words be few: Symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers. New York: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Bauman, Richard & Joel Sherzer
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Bloch, Maurice
Boas, Franz
Bourdieu, Pierre & J. Passeron
Briggs, Charles
Cmiel, Kenneth
(1990) Democratic eloquence: The fight over popular speech in nineteenth century America. New York: W. Morrow. BoP
Collins, James
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Comaroff, Jean & John Comaroff
Conley, John M. & William M. O’Barr
Crowley, Tony
Errington, J. Joseph
Finegan, Edward
Friedrich, Paul
Gal, Susan
Geertz, Clifford
Goffman, Erving
Gouldner, Alvin W
Grillo, Ralph D
(1989) Dominant languages: Language and hierarchy in Britain and France. New York: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Handler, Richard
Haviland, John B
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Heath, Shirley Brice
Hill, Jane H. & Kenneth C. Hill
(1986) Speaking Mexicano: Dynamics of syncretic language in central Mexico. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. BoP
Hill, Jane
Hornberger, Nancy
Irvine, Judith
Jaffe, Alexandra
(1991) “The second annual Corsican spelling contest.” Unpublished ms.
Joseph, John E. & Talbot J. Taylor
Joseph, John Earl
(1987) Eloquence and power: The rise of language standards and standard languages. New York: Basil Blackwell. BoP
Kroch, A. S. & C. Small
Labov, William
Mertz, Elizabeth
Mertz, Elizabeth & Bernard Weissbourd
(1985) “Legal ideology and linguistic theory: variability and its limits.” In E. Mertz & R.J. Parmentier (eds.), Semiotic mediation. Orlando: Academic Press, 261-285.
Milroy, J. & L. Milroy
(1985) Authority in language: Investigating language prescription and standardisation. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. BoP 

Ochs, Elinor & Bambi B. Schieffelin
Parmentier, Richard J
Reddy, Michael J
Rosaldo, Michelle Z
(1982) “The things we do with words: Ilongot speech acts and speech act theory in philosophy.” Language in society, 11: 203-237.
Rumsey, Alan
Schieffelin, Bambi B
(1990) The give and take of everyday life: Language socialization ofKaluli children. New York: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Schultz, Emily A
(1990) Dialogue at the margins: Whorf, Bakhtin, and linguistic relativity. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. BoP
Scollon, Ron & Suzanne B.K. Scollon
Shils, Edward
Silverstein, M
Silverstein, Michael
(1990) “The skin of our teeth: Registers, poetics and the first amendment.” Paper presented to the American Anthropological Association.
Sonntag, Selma K. & Jonathan Pool
(1987) “Linguistic denial and linguistic self-denial: American ideologies of language.” Language problems and language planning, 11: 46-65.
Urla, Jacqueline
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(1985) What people say they do with words: Prolegomena to an empirical - conceptual approach to linguistic action. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation. BoP
Woolard, Kathryn A
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