Is ‘may i ask you a question?’ a question?
Quick links
Alston, W.P
Athanasiadou, A
Berckmans, R.P
Lee-Wong, S.M
Leilich, J
(1993) Intentionality, speech acts and communicative action: A defense of J. Habermas and K.O. Apel’s criticism of Searle. Pragmatics 3(2): 155-170. BoP 

Meyer, M
De Mulder, W
(1993) Intentionality and meaning: A reaction to Leilich’s “Intentionality, speech acts and communicative action”. Pragmatics 3(2): 171-180. BoP 

Rosenberg, J.F. & C. Travis
Searle, J.R
Searle. J.R
Uwajch, M.K.C