Four-party conversation and gender
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Berrier, Astrid
(1990) Tours de parole: Théorie conversationnelle et pratique en français langue seconde au niveau universitaire. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Toronto: University of Toronto.
B errier, Astrid
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana
Bouchard, Robert
Coulmas, Florian
Fishman, Pamela
Kasper, Gabriele, and M. Dahl
(1991) Research methods in interlanguage pragmatics. Studies in second language acquisition, 13: 215-247.
Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine
Léard, Jean-Marcel
Mchoul, Alexander
(1978) The organization of turns at formal talk in the classroom Language in Society 7: 183-213.
Mehan, Hugh
Sacks, Harvey, E. Schegloff, and G. Jefferson
(1974) A simplest systematics for the organisation of turn-taking for conversation. Language 50.4: 696-735.
Schegloff, Emmanuel and H. Sacks
Shultz, J., S. Florio, and F. Erickson
Traverso, Véronique
Whalen, Marilyn, and D. Zimmerman
W ierzbicka, Anna
Wierzbicka, Anna
Wolfson, Nessa