Collaboration and contestation in a dispute about space in an Indo-Guyanese village
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Abrahams, Roger
Cassidy, Fredric G
Duranti, Alessandro
(1994) From Grammar to Politics: Linguistic Anthropology in a Western Samoan Village. Berkeley: University of California Press. BoP
Fillmore, Charles
Goodwin, Charles
Goodwin, Charles and Marjorie H. Goodwin
Goodwin, Marjorie H
(1983) Aggravated correction and disagreement in children’s conversations. Journal of Pragmatics, 7. 657-677.
(1990) He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Organization among Black Children. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. BoP
Hanks, William
(1990) Referential Practice: language and lived space among the Maya. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. BoP
Jakobson, Roman
Keating, Elizabeth
Kulick, Don
Levinson, Stephen
Moore, Henrietta
Ochs, Elinor
(1988) Culture and Language Development: Language Acquisition and Language Socialization in a Samoan Village. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BoP
Pomerantz, Anita
Rickford, John
Sacks, Harvey, Schegloff, Emmanuel and Gail Jefferson
(1974) A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation. Language, 50, 696-735.
Schegloff, Emmanuel
ScheglofF, Emmanuel
Schegloff, Emmanuel
(nd) Interruption, Overlap and Turn-Taking: Accounts of Conduct in Interaction. Unpublished Manuscript.
Sidnell, Jack
Silverstein, Michael