On interaction and grammar: Evidence from one use of the Japanese demonstrative are (‘that’)
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Goodwin, Charles
Goodwin, Charles, & Marjorie Harness Goodwin
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Maynard, Senko K.
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Ono, Tsuyoshi, & Sandra A. Thompson
Rubino, Carl
Sadanobu, Toshiyuki, & Yukinori Takubo
Schegloff, Emanuel
Tao, Liang
Uemura, Ryuichi
(1996) Koopasu ni yoru nihongo kaiwa bunseki: Shijigo no shiyoo ni tsuite [Corpus-based analysis of Japanese demonstratives]. In Isao Ueda et al.. (eds.), Gengo tankyuu no ryooiki: Koizumi Tamotsu hakase koki kinen ronbunshuu [New fields of linguistic studies: Festschrift for Dr. Tamotsu Koizumi on his 70th birthday]. Tokyo: Daigaku Shorin, pp. 93–104.