Jonathan Newton

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jonathan Newton plays a role.


Coursebooks are the mainstay of language classrooms around the world but are often dismissed in the TBLT community for perpetuating synthetic syllabi and for an undue focus on the language code. In this chapter, I review the case against and for coursebooks and argue for a more contextualised… read more
Van Gorp, Koen, Kris Van den Branden, Jonathan Newton and Matthew D. Coss 2024 Talking it through with teachers: Jonathan Newton’s reflections on coursebooks, challenges, and opportunities for TBLTTASK 4:2, pp. 152–162 | Interview
This interview with Jonathan Newton explores key issues in task-based language teaching (TBLT), focusing on the relationship between TBLT and textbooks, and the potential for TBLT teacher development building on existing practices and materials. Newton challenges the wholesale rejection of… read more
School children in China’s remote Northwestern region are generally from poor farming villages where English language education presents significant challenges, particularly since the implementation of China’s 2001 English curriculum innovation requiring tasked-based language teaching (TBLT).… read more
Bui, Trang Le Diem and Jonathan Newton 2021 PPP in action: Insights from primary EFL lessons in VietnamLanguage Teaching for Young Learners 3:1, pp. 93–116 | Article
The presentation-practice-production (PPP) approach is used in primary schools in Vietnam to teach speaking skills. However, there is disagreement about the theoretical validity and practical efficacy of PPP (Ellis, 2018; Willis & Willis, 2007) and little research evidence for how teachers… read more
This study investigated the occurrence of language-related episodes (LREs) in interactive tasks performed by pairs of Vietnamese English Foreign Language (EFL) learners and the extent to which linguistic knowledge targeted in these LREs was transferred to subsequent public performance (PP) of… read more
Thi Nguyen, Bao Trang, Jonathan Newton and David Crabbe 2018 Chapter 2. Teacher transformation of textbook tasks in Vietnamese EFL high school classroomsTBLT as a Researched Pedagogy, Samuda, Virginia, Kris Van den Branden and Martin Bygate (eds.), pp. 51–70 | Chapter
The study reported in this chapter investigated how and why the EFL teachers in a Vietnamese high school diverged from the tasks set in the textbooks provided as part of a task-based curriculum. Over a two-and-a-half-month period, nine teachers (all Vietnamese nationals) were observed teaching a… read more
Adams, Rebecca, Sara Amani, Jonathan Newton and Nik Aloesnita Nik Mohd Alwi 2014 Planning and production in computer-mediated communication (CMC) writingTask-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing, Byrnes, Heidi and Rosa M. Manchón (eds.), pp. 137–161 | Article
A growing body of research has documented the effect of pre-task and online planning on second language task-based production (e.g. Ellis 2005; Ortega 1999; Yuan & Ellis 2003). However, relatively little research has addressed the effects of planning time on written communication and none to date… read more