Titles published two months ago

Showing all 7 titles.

CLU 23
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Anthropological Linguistics

Perspectives from Africa

Edited by Andrea Hollington, Alice Mitchell and Nico Nassenstein

This collection presents new research on key topics in anthropological linguistics, with a focus on African languages. While Africanist linguists have long been concerned with sociocultural aspects of language structure and use, no comprehensive volume dedicated to the anthropological linguistics of Africa has yet... full description
February 2024. xiii, 485 pp.
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The Continuity of Linguistic Change

Selected papers in honour of Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda

Edited by Matilde Vida-Castro and Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz

The Continuity of Linguistic Change presents a collection of selected papers in honour of Professor Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda. The essays revolve around the study of linguistic variation and the mechanisms and processes associated with linguistic change, a field to which Villena-Ponsoda has dedicated so many years... full description
February 2024. ix, 194 pp.
P&bns 341
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Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism

In between antiracist and racist discourse

Edited by Argiris Archakis and Villy Tsakona

The ongoing migration ‘crisis’ in European countries (2015 to date) has fostered different stances and practices within European nation-states, ranging from xenophobia to solidarity. In this context, two contradictory discourses seem to coexist: the national racist discourse and the humanitarian, antiracist one. This... full description
February 2024. viii, 294 pp.
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Louis-Adolphe Hervier 1817–1879

Biographie et Catalogue de l'œuvre gravé

Jan W. van den Noort

L’œuvre de Louis-Adolphe Hervier se caractérise par un goût marqué et un immense respect pour la vie des gens du peuple, des paysans et des pêcheurs. Les eaux-fortes et lithographies de ce peintre et graveur constituent, dans le domaine des arts graphiques français du XIXe siècle, une contribution importante et sont... full description
February 2024. 488 pp.
AIS 12
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Perspectives on Pantomime

Edited by Przemysław Żywiczyński, Johan Blomberg and Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska

Pantomime is a unique form of communication, which we improvise “on the fly” to transmit information when unable to use language, for example during intercultural contacts or when the use of language is blocked or constrained, as in the case of some medical conditions or the game of charades. Pantomimic communication... full description
February 2024. v, 244 pp.
HCP 77
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Space, Time, World

Michael Fortescue

Although major cognitively based studies of SPACE and TIME in language have appeared in terms of “Frames of Reference”, these do not extend to a wide selection of the world’s languages, nor do they combine SPACE and TIME in the overarching concept of WORLD, which has its own corresponding frames of reference. The aim... full description
February 2024. viii, 223 pp
LA 282
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Wh-island Effects in Chinese

A formal experimental study

Xu Chen

This book examines three controversial generalizations concerning wh-island effects in Chinese: argument and adjunct asymmetry, subject and object asymmetry, and D-linked and non-D-linked asymmetry. Experiments under the factorial definition of island effects reveal that: (1) both argument and adjunct wh-in-situ are... full description
February 2024. xix, 173 pp.