Dan Dewey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dan Dewey plays a role.



This study investigated the social networks developed by language learners during 14 weeks of an intensive English as a second language (ESL) program using the Study Abroad Social Interaction Questionnaire (Dewey, Bown, Baker, Martinsen, Gold, & Eggett, 2014; Dewey, Bown, & Eggett, 2012). It… read more
In this study we explore the levels of speaking proficiency attained by returned missionaries after spending sixteen to twenty-two months abroad, where they had daily opportunities to speak the languages of the countries to which they were assigned. The missionaries tested for this report speak a… read more
This study examines the language proficiency, aptitude and motivation of 44 English-speaking missionary learners of Japanese as a second language. Proficiency was tested using an oral proficiency interview and elicited imitation. Motivational data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed… read more