Andrea Pizarro Pedraza
List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrea Pizarro Pedraza plays a role.
Any #JesuisIraq planned?*: Claiming affective displays for forgotten places Networked Practices of Emotion and Stancetaking in Reactions to Mediatized Events and Crises, Giaxoglou, Korina and Marjut Johansson (eds.), pp. 201–221 | Article
2020 The stem #jesuis followed by a toponym (e.g. #jesuisParis) has proved to be very productive in the gathering of affective publics (Papacharissi 2015) around causes of mourning, after terrorist attacks and other disasters. However, not all attacks have given rise to such massive affective use of… read more
¿Quién atenúa y cuándo en español? La atenuación en función del género discursivo Estrategias atenuantes en géneros discursivos del español: Interfaz semántico-pragmática, Albelda Marco, Marta (ed.), pp. 305–324 | Article
2018 En este análisis, abordamos la atenuación en español desde la variación entre géneros discursivos orales (conversaciones, interacciones en clase, debates parlamentarios y entrevistas sociolingüísticas). Basándonos en el análisis de Briz (2007) de la atenuación en conversaciones informales y… read more
Taboo effects at the syntactic level: Reducing agentivity as a euphemistic strategy Pragmatics 28:1, pp. 113–138 | Article
2018 This paper analyses the linguistic resources used by speakers to profile the participants in taboo actions, focusing on expressions for the concept abortar 'to abort' in Spanish sociolinguistic interviews. The tokens referring to the action are analysed in terms of linguistic features that… read more