Piotr Pęzik

List of John Benjamins publications for which Piotr Pęzik plays a role.


Element Order in Old English and Old High German Translations

Anna Cichosz, Jerzy Gaszewski and Piotr Pęzik

[NOWELE Supplement Series, 28] 2016. xvii, 424 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Syntax | Translation Studies


Cichosz, Anna, Łukasz Grabowski and Piotr Pęzik 2024 Formulaic language in Old English prose: A corpus-driven functional analysisJournal of Historical Pragmatics 25:3, pp. 467–498 | Article
Although there has been a plethora of research on formulaic language in contemporary English, conducted with various purposes in mind (descriptive, applied and otherwise), studies of formulaic phrasings in Old English texts are rare. In this paper, we employ selected corpus linguistic methods to… read more
Pęzik, Piotr and Mikołaj Deckert 2016 Time-discretising adverbials: Distributional evidence of conceptualisation patternsConceptualizations of Time, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (ed.), pp. 295–316 | Article
This paper looks at the distribution of selected adverbials used to discretise and quantify time in units of minutes, seconds and hours in reference language corpora of Polish and English. We carry out an exploratory analysis of the distributional patterns of such expressions and report three main… read more