DeCarsky, Ryan, Penny Harvey & Sally W Johnston
Deaf Identity Salience: Tracing Daphne’s Deaf Identity Salience Through Switched at Birth.
Culture & Psychology 30:1
► pp. 192 ff.

Healy-Cullen, Siobhán & Tracy Morison
Extending sexual scripting theory through critical discursive psychology: An analytical approach to explore the performance of sexual identities.
Theory & Psychology 34:6
► pp. 757 ff.

Kakatkar, Aishwarya, Holger Patzelt & Nicola Breugst
Trust in entrepreneurial teams: The role of team narratives.
Applied Psychology 73:4
► pp. 1564 ff.

Neander Christensson, Johan
Teacher Identity Discourses in Place—Exploring Discursive Resources in Pre-Service Teachers’ Constructions of Teacher Identity.
Education Sciences 14:11
► pp. 1244 ff.

Peltoperä, Kaisu, Erja Rautamies & Sarah N. Lang
Constructing Closeness in Educational Collaboration in Extended Hours ECEC.
Early Childhood Education Journal 
Peltoperä, Kaisu & Tuulikki Ukkonen-Mikkola
Relational expertise among Finnish educators working in extended hours ECEC.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 68:7
► pp. 1357 ff.

Rovamo, Helena & Inari Sakki
Mobilization of shared victimhood in the radical right populist Finns Party supporters’ identity work: A narrative–discursive approach to populist support.
European Journal of Social Psychology 54:2
► pp. 495 ff.

Sakki, Inari, Jenni Jaakkola, Eemeli Hakoköngäs, Jari Martikainen & Helena Rovamo
Lay narratives of nationhood: Time, place and emotion in the talk of populist radical right‐wing supporters in Finland.
Nations and Nationalism 
Suleimenova, Ainur, Asima Ishanova, Almatay Zhussupova, Altynay Aigelova & Manarbek Karekenov
Regularities of Constructing the Narrative of an Interactive Documentary Film as an Infotainment Phenomenon.
Southern Communication Journal 89:2
► pp. 108 ff.

Zisakou, Anastasia, Lia Figgou & Eleni Andreouli
Integration and urban citizenship: A social‐psychological approach to refugee integration through active constructions of place attachment to the city.
Political Psychology 45:2
► pp. 215 ff.

Badarneh, Muhammad
Self-Defence Discourse in Collectivist Cultures: The Case of Jordanian Tribes Defending Their Members Against Public Accusations of Corruption.
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 52:6
► pp. 607 ff.

Folkes, Louise
Moving beyond ‘shopping list’ positionality: Using kitchen table reflexivity and in/visible tools to develop reflexive qualitative research.
Qualitative Research 23:5
► pp. 1301 ff.

Marinaci, Tiziana, Claudia Venuleo & Giulia Savarese
The COVID-19 Pandemic from the Health Workers’ Perspective: Between Health Emergency and Personal Crisis.
Human Arenas 6:3
► pp. 478 ff.

Niska, Miira
Jockeying for position: university students’ employability constructions.
Journal of Education and Work 36:4
► pp. 284 ff.

Peltoperä, Kaisu, Tanja Vehkakoski, Leena Turja & Marja-Leena Laakso
Pedagogy-related tensions in flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care.
International Journal of Early Years Education 31:3
► pp. 645 ff.

Rollo, Simone, Claudia Venuleo, Lucrezia Ferrante & Raffaele De Luca Picione
What Adolescents Have to Say about Problematic Internet Use: A Qualitative Study Based on Focus Groups.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20:21
► pp. 7013 ff.

Langevang, Thilde, Rashida Resario, Ana Alacovska, Robin Steedman, Dorothy Akpene Amenuke, Sela Kodjo Adjei & Rufai Haruna Kilu
Care in creative work: exploring the ethics and aesthetics of care through arts-based methods.
Cultural Trends 31:5
► pp. 448 ff.

Nentwich, Julia C. & Wiebke Tennhoff
„Der Andere“ und zugleich „der Gleiche“ sein: Vom Umgang männlicher Kinderbetreuer mit Identitätsdissonanz. In
(Un)doing Gender empirisch,
► pp. 133 ff.

Jones, Rebecca L.
Later Life Sex and Rubin’s ‘Charmed Circle’.
Sexuality & Culture 24:5
► pp. 1480 ff.

Luongo, Katherine
“The Problem of Witchcraft”: Violence and the Supernatural in Global African Refugee Mobilities.
African Studies Review 63:3
► pp. 660 ff.

Rose, Diana
On personal epiphanies and collective knowledge in survivor research and action.
Social Theory & Health 18:2
► pp. 110 ff.

Taylor, Stephanie & Marie Paludan
Transcending utility? The gendered conflicts of a contemporary creative identification.
Feminism & Psychology 30:1
► pp. 63 ff.

Thunberg, Sara & Kjerstin Andersson Bruck
Young victims’ positioning: Narrations of victimhood and support.
International Review of Victimology 26:2
► pp. 196 ff.

Witham, Gary, Gemma Yarwood, Sam Wright & Sarah Galvani
An ethical exploration of the narratives surrounding substance use and pain management at the end of life: a discussion paper.
Nursing Ethics 27:5
► pp. 1344 ff.

Griffin, Tom
A discussion of video as a data collection tool.
Current Issues in Tourism 22:18
► pp. 2183 ff.

Hellman, Matilda & Tuulia Lerkkanen
Construing oppositions, demarcating a we-ness: The dramaturgy of a live TV debate on the refugee crisis.
European Journal of Cultural Studies 22:1
► pp. 37 ff.

Järvenpää, Pirkko & Vilma Hänninen
Stability of Repeated Work-Related Life Stories.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 31:2
► pp. 206 ff.

Cousineau, Matthew J.
Revisiting the sociology of identities and selves with discursive resources.
Sociology Compass 11:12

Morison, Tracy, Catriona Macleod, Ingrid Lynch, Magda Mijas & Seemanthini Tumkur Shivakumar
Stigma Resistance in Online Childfree Communities.
Psychology of Women Quarterly 40:2
► pp. 184 ff.

King, James R. & Norman A. Stahl
Mitton Kukner, Jennifer
Seeking Time Within Time: Exploring the temporal constraints of women teachers’ experiences as graduate students and novice researchers.
McGill Journal of Education 49:2
► pp. 459 ff.

Moulding, Nicole
“It Wasn’t About Being Slim”.
Violence Against Women 21:12
► pp. 1456 ff.

Scully, Marc
The Problem of a Subjective Authenticity and the Articulation of Belonging among the Irish in England—A Psychosocial Approach.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 12:1
► pp. 34 ff.

Lindholm, Johanna, Mats Börjesson & Ann-Christin Cederborg
Wigginton, Britta & Christina Lee
“But I Am Not One to Judge Her Actions”: Thematic and Discursive Approaches to University Students’ Responses to Women Who Smoke While Pregnant.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 11:3
► pp. 265 ff.

LaPointe, Kirsi
Heroic Career Changers? Gendered Identity Work in Career Transitions.
Gender, Work & Organization 20:2
► pp. 133 ff.

Morison, Tracy & Catriona Macleod
A Performative-Performance Analytical Approach.
Qualitative Inquiry 19:8
► pp. 566 ff.

Petite, Mathieu & Bernard Debarbieux
Habite-t-on des catégories géographiques ? La ville, la campagne et la montagne dans les récits de trajectoires biographiques.
Annales de géographie n° 693:5
► pp. 483 ff.

Taylor, Stephanie & Karen Littleton
Negotiating a Contemporary Creative Identity. In
Cultural Work and Higher Education,
► pp. 154 ff.

Hart, Paul
Creating Spaces for Rethinking School Science: Perspectives from Subjective and Social–Relational Ways of Knowing. In
Science | Environment | Health,
► pp. 103 ff.

Fenton, Christopher & Ann Langley
Strategy as Practice and the Narrative Turn.
Organization Studies 32:9
► pp. 1171 ff.

Graham, Meadow, Sarah Selmer & Erin Goodykoontz
Individual Doctoral Education Experiences and Academic Stewardship. In
Higher Education and Human Capital,
► pp. 159 ff.

Taylor, Stephanie
Negotiating oppositions and uncertainties: Gendered conflicts in creative identity work.
Feminism & Psychology 21:3
► pp. 354 ff.

Taylor, Stephanie
The Meanings and Problems of Contemporary Creative Work.
Vocations and Learning 5:1
► pp. 41 ff.

Taylor, Stephanie
‘One participant said …’: the implications of quotations from biographical talk.
Qualitative Research 12:4
► pp. 388 ff.

Taylor, Stephanie
Discursive and Psychosocial? Theorising a Complex Contemporary Subject.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 12:1
► pp. 8 ff.

Freeman, Melissa
‘Knowledge is acting’: working‐class parents’ intentional acts of positioning within the discursive practice of involvement.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 23:2
► pp. 181 ff.

Lucius-Hoene, Gabriele
Narrative Identitätsarbeit im Interview. In
Subjekt – Identität – Person?,
► pp. 149 ff.

Atkinson, Paul
Illness Narratives Revisited: The Failure of Narrative Reductionism.
Sociological Research Online 14:5
► pp. 196 ff.

Boje, David & Jo A. Tyler
Story and Narrative Noticing: Workaholism Autoethnographies.
Journal of Business Ethics 84:S2
► pp. 173 ff.

Smith, Brett & Andrew C. Sparkes
Narrative inquiry in sport and exercise psychology: What can it mean, and why might we do it?.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Andersson, Kjerstin
Constructing young masculinity: a case study of heroic discourse on violence.
Discourse & Society 19:2
► pp. 139 ff.

[no author supplied]
Code Swishing. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 139 ff.

[no author supplied]
To Be Someone, To Be Somewhere. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 205 ff.

[no author supplied]
Virando la dominicanidad. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 177 ff.

[no author supplied]
Notes. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 241 ff.

[no author supplied]
Introduction. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 1 ff.

[no author supplied]
Desencontrando la dominicanidadin New York City. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 67 ff.

[no author supplied]
Epilogue. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 239 ff.

[no author supplied]
Moving Portraits. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 41 ff.

[no author supplied]
Eso se nota. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 111 ff.

[no author supplied]
Bibliography. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 287 ff.

[no author supplied]
Tacit Subjects. In
Tacit Subjects,
► pp. 17 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.