Samantha Becerra-Zita

List of John Benjamins publications for which Samantha Becerra-Zita plays a role.


Guilliot, Nicolas and Samantha Becerra-Zita 2019 Chapter 3. Negative Concord and sentential negation in GalloRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 30, Frankfurt, Feldhausen, Ingo, Martin Elsig, Imme Kuchenbrandt and Mareike Neuhaus (eds.), pp. 53–71 | Chapter
The goal of this paper is to get a better understanding of Negative Concord (NC) in natural language through the study of Gallo, a Romance language spoken in Brittany. Despite obvious similarities with respect to Standard French (SF), Gallo differs from it by integrating sentential… read more
This paper brings to bear primary fieldwork data from Gallo on negation and polarity related issues. We defend two correlated proposals. (i) The negative markers pas/pouint in Gallo are not inherently negative, but rather merely signal the presence of abstract semantic negation in their clause.… read more