Dacia Dressen-Hammouda

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dacia Dressen-Hammouda plays a role.


Dressen-Hammouda, Dacia 2012 Measuring the construction of discoursal expertise through corpus-based genre analysisCorpus-Informed Research and Learning in ESP: Issues and applications, Boulton, Alex, Shirley Carter-Thomas and Elizabeth Rowley-Jolivet (eds.), pp. 193–214 | Article
While corpus analysis has long been useful for developing genre-based teaching materials in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), somewhat less attention has been paid to how well people actually learn to use the genre features identified. This study shows how individuals’ use of genre features… read more
Dressen-Hammouda, Dacia 2008 3. Aligning EAP writing pedagogies across European universities: A case study from FranceESP in European Higher Education: Integrating language and content, Fortanet-Gómez, Inmaculada and Christine A. Räisänen (eds.), pp. 75–96 | Article
The Bologna process has drawn increasing attention to the ways in which English is taught at universities throughout the EU. One widely used approach to EAP writing instruction combines process-oriented and genre-based pedagogies. The present study explores the cross-cultural adaptability of these… read more