P.J.M. Groot
List of John Benjamins publications for which P.J.M. Groot plays a role.
Woordverwerving in Een Vreemde Taal Lexicon en taalverwerving, pp. 26–31 | Article
1989 In communicative foreign Language teaching there is more emphasis on vocabulary than in traditional structural approaches where it takes second place to grammar. Two important questions concerning the vocabulary are: what words to present and how to present them? The first question can be answered… read more
Toetsing In Taalverwervingsonderzoek: Een Ondergeschoven Kindje? Taaltoetsen, pp. 34–44 | Article
1988 Whereas in the exact sciences concern for the measuring instruments used to gather research data is common practice, negligence of this aspect frequently occurs in the softer disciplines like language acquisition studies. This article deals with some examples of studies where faulty conclusions… read more
Fouten In Het Nederlands Van Marokkanen, Theoretische Implicaties En Practische Remedies. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 26, pp. 80–94 | Article
1986 This article reports on the first results of an investigation into the errors in Dutch as a 2nd language of Moroccans in Holland. Two competing models (Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Creative Construction Hypothesis) to explain second language acquisition are briefly described to demonstrate… read more
Een Nieuwe Theorie Over Vreemde-Taalverwerving? Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 23, pp. 32–44 | Article
1985 This paper argues that a) much of what is presented as Krashen's new theory on foreign (or second) language acquisition is not new but given a new name (e.g. "the affective filter" for motivational and attitudinal variables) and b) that what is new is not adequately substantiated by empirical… read more
Moedertaalinterferentie Bij Het Luisteren in Een Vreemde Taal Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 20, pp. 29–38 | Article
1984 The pendulum in foreign language acquisition theories seems to be on its way back. The rather extreme view held bij Krashen and others that L1 interference plays a minor part in foreign language acquisition is being refuted by more empirical counterevidence. While most of the evidence is taken from… read more
Tests of English Vocabulary Command for EFL Students at University Level Woorden in het vreemde-talenonderwijs, pp. 98–136 | Article
1981 Hunter Diack's Standard Literacy Tests (SLT's) were constructed as English vocabulary tests intended to cover all the vocabulary of the English language. Originally, these tests were devised to assess the vocabulary command of native speakers. They were labeled tests of 'literacy' on the… read more