Maria Bulakh

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Bulakh plays a role.


Bulakh, Maria 2019 Innovations in Semitic color term systemsLexicalization patterns in color naming: A cross-linguistic perspective, Raffaelli, Ida, Daniela Katunar and Barbara Kerovec (eds.), pp. 159–190 | Chapter
The article explores the origins of Semitic color terms for yellow, green, and blue. These fundamental color categories are missing from the reconstructed proto-Semitic basic color term system, but their designations were added into basic color term systems of many daughter languages. This chapter… read more
Bulakh, Maria 2007 Basic color terms from Proto-Semitic to Old EthiopicAnthropology of Color: Interdisciplinary multilevel modeling, MacLaury, Robert E., Galina V. Paramei and Don Dedrick (eds.), pp. 247–261 | Article
The paper presents a survey of the basic color terms of Old Ethiopic and attempts to reconstruct a typologically plausible transition from the Proto-Semitic basic color term system to the Old Ethiopic one. The immediate interpretation of etymological data results in a rather unlikely scheme of… read more