Luisa Josefina Alarcón Neve

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luisa Josefina Alarcón Neve plays a role.


Medina Gómez, Lorena Y. and Luisa Josefina Alarcón Neve 2017 Chapter 10. Descriptive and functional analysis of the solo-solamente adverbial pair in spoken Mexican SpanishAdjective Adverb Interfaces in Romance, Hummel, Martin and Salvador Valera (eds.), pp. 287–303 | Chapter
This study analyzes the solo-solamente adverbial pair’s syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic distribution and frequency. The data stem from two sociolinguistic corpora of spoken Spanish, the Corpus Sociolingüístico de la Ciudad de México (CSCM) and the Corpus del Habla de Monterrey (CHDM). The… read more