In this paper, we propose a new approach to enhance automatic recognition systems for domain-specific terms. The approach is based on the statistics about the relation between a compound noun and its constituents that are simple nouns. More precisely, we focus on how many nouns adjoin the noun in… read more
Bilingual machine readable dictionaries are important and indispensable resources of information for cross-language information retrieval, and machine translation. Recently, these cross-language informational activities have begun to focus on specific academic or technological domains. In this… read more
An automatic term extraction system consists of a term candidate extraction subsystem, a ranking subsystem and a selection subsystem. In this paper, we experimentally evaluate two ranking methods and two selection methods. As for ranking, a dichotomy of unithood and termhood is a key notion. We… read more
The NTCIR1 TMREC group called for participation of the term recognition task which is a part of NTCIR1 held in 1999. As an activity of TMREC, they have provided us with the test collection of the term recognition task. The goal of this task is to automatically recognize and extract terms from the… read more