Petra Eccarius
List of John Benjamins publications for which Petra Eccarius plays a role.
Dataglove measurement of joint angles in sign language handshapes New Methodologies in Sign Language Phonology: Papers from TISLR 10, Brentari, Diane and Ronnie B. Wilbur (eds.), pp. 39–72 | Article
2012 In sign language research, we understand little about articulatory factors involved in shaping phonemic boundaries or the amount (and articulatory nature) of acceptable phonetic variation between handshapes. To date, there exists no comprehensive analysis of handshape based on the quantitative… read more
A formal analysis of phonological contrast and iconicity in sign language handshapes Sign Language & Linguistics 13:2, pp. 156–181 | Article
2010 This paper discusses the role of iconicity in sign language phonology by utilizing recently developed tools available in the areas of phonological contrast and feature distribution. In particular, we explain the degree to which iconic elements of handshape interact with the feature system of sign… read more
Handshape coding made easier: A theoretically based notation for phonological transcription Sign Language & Linguistics 11:1, pp. 69–101 | Article
2008 This paper describes a notation system for the handshapes of sign languages that is theoretically motivated, grounded in empirical data, and economical in design. The system was constructed using the Prosodic Model of Sign Language Phonology. Handshapes from three lexical components — core,… read more
Comparison of major software features Sign Transcription and Database Storage of Sign Information, Bergman, Brita, Penny Boyes Braem, Thomas Hanke and Elena Antinoro Pizzuto (eds.), pp. 299–300 | Miscellaneous