Anne Golden

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anne Golden plays a role.


Metaphor in Education: A multilingual perspective

Edited by Katrin Ahlgren, Anne Golden and Ulrika Magnusson

Special issue of Metaphor and the Social World 11:2 (2021) vi, 191 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies
Ahlgren, Katrin, Anne Golden and Ulrika Magnusson 2021 Metaphor in education: A multilingual and Scandinavian perspectiveMetaphor in Education: A multilingual perspective, Ahlgren, Katrin, Anne Golden and Ulrika Magnusson (eds.), pp. 196–211 | Introduction
This special issue explores the use of metaphor in education from a multilingual perspective in two Scandinavian countries, Norway and Sweden. In this introduction, we include a brief overview of earlier research in the domain and identify common factors noteworthy to discuss in relation to the… read more
Golden, Anne 2021 The relationship between topic and metaphor in second-language learners’ essaysMetaphor in Education: A multilingual perspective, Ahlgren, Katrin, Anne Golden and Ulrika Magnusson (eds.), pp. 261–278 | Article
In this article I investigate to what extent the use of metaphorical expressions in language learners’ texts vary according to the topic they have chosen to write about. The data come from the Norwegian learner corpus ASK, where the texts are from written assignments produced by adult… read more
Golden, Anne and Guri Steien 2021 Mashi – this language was in my ears: Metaphors of ‘language’ in language autobiographies narrated by Congolese migrants in NorwayMetaphor in Education: A multilingual perspective, Ahlgren, Katrin, Anne Golden and Ulrika Magnusson (eds.), pp. 329–351 | Article
In order to understand the process of learning new languages as adults, we need to take into account learners’ past experiences with all of their language(s), as such experiences shape attitudes and conceptualizations. In this paper, we present an analysis of metaphorical expressions in the… read more
This article focuses on linguistic and cultural identity constructions in interactions between members of the last generation of a former heritage language speaking community and speakers from the homeland of their ancestors. The data come from fieldwork involving narratives of personal experience… read more
Golden, Anne 2012 Chapter 6. Metaphorical expressions in L2 production: The importance of the text topic in corpus researchMetaphor in Use: Context, culture, and communication, MacArthur, Fiona, José Luis Oncins-Martínez, Manuel Sánchez-García and Ana M. Piquer-Píriz (eds.), pp. 135–148 | Chapter
To what extent do learners of Norwegian use metaphorical expressions in Norwegian? What types of expression are used, in which context, and by whom? What are the learners’ characteristics? Does their mother tongue influence their use of certain expressions? Using data from the ASK corpus at the… read more
Golden, Anne 2010 3. Grasping the point: A study of 15-year-old students’ comprehension of metaphorical expressions in schoolbooksResearching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, Low, Graham, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan and Lynne Cameron (eds.), pp. 35–62 | Article
Metaphorical expressions as defined by Conceptual Metaphor Theory are frequently used in all sorts of texts, including real-world school books. This study investigates the comprehension of different types of metaphorical expressions by different groups of 15-year-old students in Norway. 50… read more