Kristel Doreleijers

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kristel Doreleijers plays a role.


Linguistics in the Netherlands 2024

Edited by Marco Bril and Kristel Doreleijers

Special issue of Nota Bene 1:2 (2024) vi, 237 pp.


Bril, Marco and Kristel Doreleijers 2024 ForewordLinguistics in the Netherlands 2024, Bril, Marco and Kristel Doreleijers (eds.), pp. 115–116 | Editorial
Doreleijers, Kristel and A.P.C. Swanenberg 2023 Hyperdialectisms revisitedLinguistics in the Netherlands 2023, Leufkens, Sterre and Marco Bril (eds.), pp. 39–54 | Article
Ongoing processes of dialect leveling and loss have given rise to the widespread use of the concept of hyperdialectism in sociolinguistic research. Hyperdialectisms are considered to be a reaction to dialect loss: a typical dialect feature that is distinctive from the standard language or a… read more