Jesús Olguín Martínez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jesús Olguín Martínez plays a role.


Olguín Martínez, Jesús 2024 ‘Until’ constructions and expletive negation in Huasteca NahuatlStudies in Language 48:4, pp. 753–780 | Article
A number of works have explored expletive negation in clause-linkage constructions. Most of them have shown that this type of negative marker can be omitted from the adverbial clause without affecting the interpretation holding between clauses. The study shows, based on the analysis of natural… read more
Olguín Martínez, Jesús 2023 Chapter 14. A typological study of tail-head linkage constructionsDiscourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective, Barotto, Alessandra and Simone Mattiola (eds.), pp. 403–432 | Chapter
This paper explores tail-head linkage constructions in a convenience sample of 58 languages. Special attention is paid to recapitulative constructions in which reported speech clauses are omitted and only the quotative verb is recapitulated and summary constructions composed of a light verb… read more
The present paper investigates the similative-pretence alternating pair in Mexican Spanish (como/igual que and como si constructions) based on the analysis of 1362 instances from The Corpus del Español NOW (News on the Web) corpus. We apply a revised version of distinctive collexeme analysis to… read more