Susanne Kjaerbeck

List of John Benjamins publications for which Susanne Kjaerbeck plays a role.

Kjaerbeck, Susanne and Niels Møller Nielsen 2020 Communicative problems in Boeing’s advertisement campaign for the combat aircraft Super HornetPragmatics and Society 11:3, pp. 391–414 | Article
This article focuses on an advertisement campaign run in Danish national newspapers promoting Boeing’s combat aircraft F 18 Super Hornet. The campaign received extensive media attention due to its scale and unconventional methods. On the basis of pragmatic text analysis we describe three… read more
Day, Dennis and Susanne Kjaerbeck 2019 Membership categorization and storytelling: The cake storyCategorization in multilingual storytelling, Prior, Matthew T. and Steven Talmy (eds.), pp. 359–374 | Article
In this paper, we demonstrate how the collaborative and sequential unfolding of a story ties into the constitution of a membership categorization device which we have glossed as ‘us and them’. The data come from a focus group activity where first and second generation immigrants to Denmark have… read more
Day, Dennis and Susanne Kjaerbeck 2013 ‘Positioning’ in the conversation analytic approachNarrative Inquiry 23:1, pp. 16–39 | Article
From the perspective of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EM/CA), the concept of positioning may offer a compellingly rich metaphor for understanding identity and relations. There appears, however, to be no such analytical concept in EM/CA. Instead, the EM/CA approach offers concepts such… read more
Day, Dennis and Susanne Kjaerbeck 2012 Treating student contributions as displays of understanding in group supervisionEvaluating Cognitive Competences in Interaction, Rasmussen, Gitte, Catherine E. Brouwer and Dennis Day (eds.), pp. 67–88 | Article
The analyses this paper reports come from ongoing research into the interactive establishment of local social order in a university setting. Our data are from a collection of video recordings of a particular sort of activity in the setting, namely ‘group supervision’. We are interested in a… read more
In this article we focus on the negotiation of meaning in narratives. One crucial place for the negotiation of meaning in narratives is its punchline and the sequence it precedes, the post punchline sequence. We will study in detail the interactional construction of the punchline and of the post… read more