Thiago Costa Chacon

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thiago Costa Chacon plays a role.


Overmann, Karenleigh A., Thiago Costa Chacon and Annick Payne 2022 Desana numerical symbols: An indigenous creation narrated by Diakuru and KisibiWritten Language & Literacy 25:2, pp. 133–158 | Article
In 2006, a narrative of the Desana people included a system of graphic symbols reported as a historical Indigenous invention used during intertribal warfare to count the number of enemies and pass warning information. This paper outlines and evaluates the Desana graphic system. The Desana people… read more
Chacon, Thiago Costa and Carol Genetti 2019 Grammatical relations in KubeoArgument Selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations, Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena and Balthasar Bickel (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Chapter
This paper describes a number of argument selectors for grammatical relations in Kubeo, an Eastern Tukanoan language spoken in the Vaupes River area in Northwestern Amazonia. The main selectors discussed in this paper are: verbal agreement, case marking, constituent ordering, causative,… read more
Chacon, Thiago Costa and Lev Michael 2018 The evolution of subject-verb agreement in Eastern TukanoanThe Evolution of Argument Coding Patterns in South American Languages, Guillaume, Antoine and Spike Gildea (eds.), pp. 59–94 | Article
This article describes the evolution of past/perfective subject-verb agreement morphology in the Tukanoan family, reconstructing relevant aspects of Proto-Tukanoan verbal morphology and delineating the subsequent diachronic development of verbal subject agreement morphology in the Eastern branch… read more