Shen Chen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Shen Chen plays a role.


Chen, Shen and Yuzhe Zhang 2014 Chapter 9. Chinese language teaching in AustraliaLearning Chinese in Diasporic Communities: Many pathways to being Chinese, Curdt-Christiansen, Xiao Lan and Andy Hancock (eds.), pp. 181–200 | Article
Located in the Asian-Pacific region, Australia is a unique example an English speaking country which has progressive language policies to promote Asian languages, Chinese in particular. History has witnessed three stages of development of Chinese language teaching. In the first stage, Chinese… read more
Chen, Shen 1995 Cultural components in the teaching of Asian languagesThe Hard Work–Entertainment Continuum: Teaching Asian languages in Australia, Kirkpatrick, Andy, Yong Zhong and Helen Kirkpatrick (eds.), pp. 153–168 | Article
The importance of understanding target cultures is an increasingly acknowledged aspect in the teaching of Asian languages. Yet how to incorporate the teaching of cultures with languages remains controversial. This paper will discuss a number of main paradigms of teaching target culture employed in… read more