Anne-Mieke Janssen-van Dieten
List of John Benjamins publications for which Anne-Mieke Janssen-van Dieten plays a role.
Hoe 'Gemeenschappelijk' Is het Gemeenschappelijk Europees Referentiekader? Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 59–69 | Article
2000 The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is supposed to be applicable for all learners or users of second and foreign languages and to enhance the comparability of language qualifications. In this article, it is argued that, owing to a confusion of declarative knowledge and language… read more
Wie Zijn 'Onze' Leerders? Een analyse van het begrip volwassen, hoogopgeleide, gevorderde NT2-leerders1 Thema's en trends in de sociolinguïstiek 3, pp. 87–97 | Article
1999 There is an increasing awareness that the number of non-native speakers in the category of 'adult, highly educated, advanced L2-learners' is rapidly increasing. This paper presents an analysis of what it means to teach them a second language - whether it is Dutch or any other second language. It… read more
Modellen en Metingen Van Taalvaardigheid Toegepaste taalwetenschap in discussie, pp. 169–178 | Article
1998 This article contains a concise discussion of models and measurement of language ability. A general definition of the concept language ability is given, Subsequendy, psycholinguistic models of oral and written language production and comprehension are discussed. The nature and extent of individual… read more
Adult Second-Language Policy in the Netherlands: Some Considerations Perspectives on Foreign Language Policy: Studies in honor of Theo van Els, Bongaerts, Theo and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 201–218 | Article
Onderwijsonderzoek in de Basiseducatie Onderwijs Nederlands als T2: De stand van zaken, pp. 147–158 | Article
1990 Kunnen We Volstaan Met Lakmoes? Taaltoetsen, pp. 127–137 | Article
1988 In order to be admitted to a Dutch university, foreign students have to take a Dutch proficiency test. It is argued by one of the Dutch universities that this proficiency can be demonstrated by a single type of test: a multiple-choice cloze test. This position is accounted for by concurrent… read more
Het ontwikkelen van een diagnostische toets Nederlands voor anderstalige leerlingen in internationale schakelklassen. Taalonderwijs aan migranten: Handelingen van de anéla - studiedag op 19 maart 1977 te Wageningen, pp. 105–114 | Article
1977 Test-objectives have been formulated in the following way: With regard to the behavioural component we have first defined the objectives for the highest level in the four skills and from them we have derived the underlying objectives. With regard to the content component: - with a view to defining… read more