Inés Lareo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Inés Lareo plays a role.


“All families and genera”: Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts

Edited by Isabel Moskowich, Inés Lareo and Gonzalo Camiña

[Not in series, 237] 2021. xv, 310 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | English linguistics | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics

'The Conditioned and the Unconditioned': Late Modern English texts on philosophy. incl. CD-rom: A Corpus of English Philosophy Texts (CEPhiT)

Edited by Isabel Moskowich, Gonzalo Camiña, Inés Lareo and Begoña Crespo

[Not in series, 198] 2016. xi, 182 pp. (Incl. CD-Rom)
Subjects Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Electronic/Multimedia Products | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Esteve Ramos, María José and Inés Lareo 2019 Chapter 9. A corpus-based study of some certainty adverbs in the Corpus of History English TextsWriting History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, Moskowich, Isabel, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo and Leida Maria Monaco (eds.), pp. 167–183 | Chapter
Alonso-Almeida, Francisco and Inés Lareo 2016 The status of seem in the nineteenth-century Corpus of English Philosophy Texts (CEPhiT)'The Conditioned and the Unconditioned': Late Modern English texts on philosophy, Moskowich, Isabel, Gonzalo Camiña, Inés Lareo and Begoña Crespo (eds.), pp. 145–165 | Article
Camiña, Gonzalo and Inés Lareo 2016 Editorial policy in the Corpus of English Philosophy Texts: Criteria, conventions, encoding and other marks'The Conditioned and the Unconditioned': Late Modern English texts on philosophy, Moskowich, Isabel, Gonzalo Camiña, Inés Lareo and Begoña Crespo (eds.), pp. 45–60 | Article