Tina Paulsen Christensen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tina Paulsen Christensen plays a role.


Christensen, Tina Paulsen 2010 Judges' deviations from norm-based direct speech in courtDoing Justice to Court Interpreting, Shlesinger, Miriam † and Franz Pöchhacker (eds.), pp. 163–191 | Article
Christensen, Tina Paulsen 2008 Why Judges Deviate from Direct Speech in Interpreter-mediated Court SettingsFORUM 6:2, pp. 143–172 | Article
Abstract/Résumé Cet article étudie les registres discursifs employés par un juge danois au cours d’une audience doublée de la médiation d’un interprète, et se focalise sur les différentes formes d’interpellation. S’appuyant sur les acquis de précédentes études quantitatives axées sur la variation… read more
Christensen, Tina Paulsen 2008 Judges’ deviations from norm-based direct speech in courtDoing Justice to Court Interpreting, Shlesinger, Miriam † and Franz Pöchhacker (eds.), pp. 99–127 | Article
This article presents a small-scale empirical study of legal discourse which focuses on the use of direct and indirect speech in Danish interpreter-mediated court proceedings. The study analyses the practices of three Danish judges in three different interpreted proceedings. The primary objective… read more