Bruno Estigarribia
List of John Benjamins publications for which Bruno Estigarribia plays a role.
As more written language data become available, the interest in written language mixing / codeswitching (LM/CS) is increasing (Sebba, Mahootian & Jonsson 2012; Sebba 2013). LM/CS in non-naturalistic (e.g., literary) texts raises issues related to gauging (1) the authenticity and representativity… read more
We developed an automated algorithm to retrieve direct object clitic doubling (DOCLD) examples in Spanish data from texts and the web. We focused on the Rioplatense dialect, where this kind of doubling is rather common. Given an electronic text, our procedure has two steps: first, tagging the text… read more
Adults rely on both speech and gesture to provide children with information pertinent to new word meanings. Parents were videotaped introducing new objects to their children (aged 1;6 and 3;0). They introduce these objects in three phases: (1) they establish joint attention on an object; (2) they… read more