Nicole Studer-Joho

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicole Studer-Joho plays a role.


Meaning in the History of English: Words and texts in context

Edited by Andreas H. Jucker, Daniela Landert, Annina Seiler and Nicole Studer-Joho

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 148] 2013. vii, 348 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics


Jucker, Andreas H., Daniela Landert, Annina Seiler and Nicole Studer-Joho 2013 Uncovering layers of meaning in the history of the English languageMeaning in the History of English: Words and texts in context, Jucker, Andreas H., Daniela Landert, Annina Seiler and Nicole Studer-Joho (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article