Daniel C. O’Connell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniel C. O’Connell plays a role.

O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 2022 Transcription systems for spoken discourseHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 1839–1851 | Chapter
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 2009 Transcription systems for spoken discourseThe Pragmatics of Interaction, D’hondt, Sigurd, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 240–254 | Article
O’Connell, Daniel C., Sabine Kowal and Scott P. King 2007 Interjections in literary readings and artistic performancePragmatics 17:3, pp. 417–438 | Article
Numerosity and privileges of occurrence of various types of interjections (primary conventional, primary non-conventional, secondary, and onomatopoeic) were investigated in three different literary readings of Winnie-the-Pooh (Milne 1926), in one reading of Ulysses (Joyce 1960), and in an artistic… read more
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 2006 Laughter in the film The third man Pragmatics 16:2/3, pp. 305–327 | Article
Two types of laughter were investigated in both the English- and the German-language versions of the film noir The third man (Korda, Selznik, & Reed 1949, 1962): ha-ha laughter and laughter overlaid on spoken words. The present authors’ transcripts constituted the database of the investigation.… read more
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 2005 Laughter in Bill Clinton’s My life (2004) interviewsPragmatics 15:2/3, pp. 275–299 | Article
Two types of laughter of Bill Clinton and his interviewers – as an overlay of words spoken laughingly and laughter of the ha-ha sort - were investigated. The corpus consisted of 13 media interviews, all of which took place after the publication of his book My life (2004). Bill Clinton’s laughter… read more
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 2004 Hillary Clinton’s laughter in media interviewsPragmatics 14:4, pp. 463–478 | Article
Laughter in dialogue has been researched under the aegis of many different disciplines. The present approach is psycholinguistic, but with some reliance on recent research in phonetics and conversation analysis (CA). A corpus of laughter from four TV and two radio interviews of Hillary Clinton was… read more
Suleiman, Camelia and Daniel C. O’Connell 2003 Perspective in the discourse of war: The case of Colin PowellPragmatics 13:3, pp. 401–422 | Article
The following article applies both quantitative and qualitative methods of research to markers of perspective in a TV interview of Colin Powell on the CNN LARRY KING LIVE program from November 26, 2001. Perspective is well established in phenomenology and social psychology; its starting point is… read more
Alber, Jennifer, Daniel C. O’Connell and Sabine Kowal 2002 Personal perspective in TV news interviewsPragmatics 12:3, pp. 257–271 | Article
Two interviews by Christiane Amanpour televized September 8, 2000 on CNN, one with Ehud Barak and one with Yasser Arafat were analyzed for indicators of personal perspective. Generally, use of the same indicators as in Suleiman, O’Connell, & Kowal (2002) was confirmed: Number of syllables spoken;… read more
Spinos, Anna-Marie R., Daniel C. O’Connell and Sabine Kowal 2002 An empirical investigation of pause notationPragmatics 12:1, pp. 1–9 | Article
The current article examines the limitations of perceptual judgment for the transcription of pause occurrence and duration. This investigation extends Kowal and O’Connell’s (2000) previous research, which examined pause occurrence and duration notated by perceptual judgment with measurements from… read more
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 2000 Are transcripts reproducible?Pragmatics 10:2, pp. 247–269 | Article
The research reported here is part of a larger psycholinguistic project on transcribing and the use of transcripts. It is hypothesized that reproducing transcripts originally prepared on the basis of current transcription systems overloads the capability of those who carry out transcript… read more
Kowal, Sabine and Daniel C. O’Connell 1997 Theoretical ideals and their violation: Princess Diana and Martin Bashir in the BBC interviewPragmatics 7:3, pp. 309–323 | Article
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 1995 Transcription systems for spoken discourseHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 646–656 | Article
O’Connell, Daniel C. and Sabine Kowal 1994 Some current transcription systems for spoken discourse: A critical analysisPragmatics 4:1, pp. 81–107 | Article