Cun Zhang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cun Zhang plays a role.

COVID-19 poses a threat to social stability globally, which requires efficacious governance and public cooperation. To handle the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese national news media have mobilized the public to identify and collaborate with the nation. This paper investigates how war, chess, and… read more
Since the pandemic broke out in 2020, China has widely presented the covid crisis in its mass media and actively constructed collective identity thereof to mobilize medical workers, unify political stances, boost domestic solidarity, and promote international support. This paper combines the… read more
Political cartoons make meaning by drawing on scenarios that must be immediately recognizable by their intended audience. Crucial meaning-making mechanisms in these scenarios are verbo-visual ensembles of metaphors and metonymies. In this paper we investigate 69 Chinese and 60 American political… read more
Zhang, Cun and Zhengjun Lin 2020 David Block (2019) Post-Truth and Political DiscourseMedia, Migration and Human Rights: Discourse and Resistance in the Context of the Erosion of Liberal Norms, Balabanova, Ekaterina and Ruxandra Trandafoiu (eds.), pp. 555–558 | Review