Merijn Beeksma

List of John Benjamins publications for which Merijn Beeksma plays a role.


Understanding Writing Systems

Edited by Merijn Beeksma and Martin Neef

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 21:1 (2018) v, 145 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Writing and literacy


Beeksma, Merijn and Martin Neef 2018 Introduction: Understanding writing systemsUnderstanding Writing Systems, Beeksma, Merijn and Martin Neef (eds.), pp. 1–2 | Introduction
Software systems convert between graphemes and phonemes using lexicon-based, rule-based or data-driven techniques. SHOTGUN combines these techniques in a hybrid system which converts between graphemes and phonemes bi-directionally, adds linguistic and educational information about the… read more